What Eats Flowers In The African Savanna
Carnivores (lions, hyenas, leopards) feed on herbivores (impalas, warthogs, cattle) that consume producers (grasses, plant matter). Breathtaking to behold, these trees mark the african savanna with their yellow flowers and surreal shape. 10 Things You Didn't Know About African Acacia Trees It also provides food for animals such as antelopes, giraffes and elephants which eats its leaves. What eats flowers in the african savanna . The giraffe is a herbivore that eats mostly_____. It has little yellow flowers. It is one the rarest and africa’s endangered carnivore. This species invaded south africa and is affecting it by replacing native plants. Mixed with water, the powdery fruit pulp makes a refreshing drink. The senegal gum gives shade and shelter for the animals of the savanna. Ask what do elephants eat and the answer can be almost everything on the savanna! People boil and eat the leaves, and even flowers are edible. Protea flowers are showy, long lasting, an...